HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH
Our competences
We realize for you...
- Concept suggestions
- Budget preparations
- Time schedules
- Tender documentation
Hardware planning
- Wiring and terminal diagrams
- Cable lists
- Material lists
- Cabinet layout plans
Hardware delivery
- CAD/CAE detailed planning
- Low-voltage distributions
- Control / MSR cabinets
- Control panels
PLC- and high-level language programming
- Step7 V16 (TIA-Portal)
- Codesys
- Visual Basic
- Java
- MySQL-Data base

Visualization and batch systems
- WinCC V16 (TIA-Portal)
- WinCCFlexible
- Codesys HMI
- ProTool Pro
- Lasal-Screen
Electrical installation
- Cable support systems
- Plant, network and control system cabling
- Lightning protection systems
- Lighting design
- Loop check
- Measurement reports
- Test reports
- Approval transcripts
Service and maintenance
- To increase the availability of the plant, we offer maintenance and control by trained personnel.
- 24/7 on-call service
In order to use our know-how optimally, we design and deliver complete packages in the field of electrical engineering.