
HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH
Hermann-Döring-Strasse 4
84494 Neumarkt-St. Veit

Phone: +49 (8639) 98505-0
Fax: +49 (8639) 98505-11



Commercial register: Loacal Court Traunstein

Commercial register number: HRB 25418

VAT identification number: DE 307 929 640

Managing Director: Helmut Heizinger

Responsible for the content: HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH, Helmut Heizinger

Legal information

These Internet pages are intended to inform you about HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH. In this context HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH reserves the right to change the content of its Internet pages without prior notice or statement of reasons.


Copyright 2024 HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Alle Texte Bilder Grafiken Ton- Video- und Animationsdateien unterliegen dem Urheberrecht und anderen Gesetzen zum Schutz geistigen Eigentums. Sie dürfen weder für Handelszwecke oder zur Weitergabe kopiert noch verändert und auf anderen Websites verwendet werden. Einige HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH Internet-Seiten enthalten auch Bilder die dem Urheberrecht derjenigen unterliegen die diese zur Verfügung gestellt haben.

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This Internet site was compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH cannot guarantee the correctness and accuracy of the information contained herein. HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH makes every effort to keep these Internet pages up-to-date by constantly updating and completing them. The contents represent non-binding information. We reserve the right to make changes at a later date. HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH excludes any liability for damages that arise directly or indirectly from the use of this Internet site, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence.

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All information, pictures, illustrations, specifications etc. contained on the Internet pages of HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH are - unless otherwise stated - the property of HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH. The contents of the Internet pages are protected by copyright.

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HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH would like to offer you innovative and informative Internet pages. We therefore hope that we meet your expectations. However, we ask you to understand that HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH must protect its intellectual property, including patents, trademarks and copyrights and that these Internet pages do not grant any license rights to the intellectual property of HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH. Duplication, distribution, reproduction, transmission and other use is not permitted without the written consent of HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH.

Note on the language form

The contents of these Internet pages appeal equally to women and men. For better readability, only the masculine language form (e.g. customer employee engineer student) is used.

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The internet offer of HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH contains links to other websites. Please note that HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH is not responsible for compliance with data protection regulations by third parties or for the content of these other Internet sites. When leaving the HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH website, we recommend that all Internet users inform themselves about the respective data protection information (privacy statements) of the other websites they visit.

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Upon request, HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH will inform you as soon as possible in writing and in accordance with applicable law whether and which of your personal data is stored by us.

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This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet publication which you were referred from. If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.

Picture credits

HEI tec.automation Heizinger GmbH, Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, Liebelei kreativ – Christina Unterreithmeier, Fotografie Rudolf Ziegler